Lord Charité Igirimbabazi is from Bujumbura, Burundi. She is a part of the class of 2024 at Dartmouth College pursuing a degree in Biomedical Engineering. She is one of the five students who were awarded the EE Just Fellowship at Dartmouth College for the 2022-2024 cohort. Prior to joining the Lee Lab, Charité has been working with Dr. Christopher Sandford in the chemistry department on finding regulation pathways of thiourea-based organic catalysts. She has a keen interest in the intersection of biological chemistry and engineering and their potential applications in medicine. In the Lee Lab, she is now working on a project that focuses on the characterization of anti-influenza antibodies induced by vaccines in healthy adults. Outside professional walls, Charité co-founded and currently runs with two of her peers in Burundi a non-profit organization called Abarundikazi Period Movement which fights against period poverty and promotes girls’ education. She also enjoys traveling and dancing Burundian traditional dances.